RLI Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP)
RLI Personal UmbrellaRated A+ by A M Best, the RLI Personal Umbrella Policy (PUP) is a stand alone umbrella available in all states, with limits up to $5 million. By completing the application, you know immediately if the insured will be accepted by RLI.
Endorsed by IIABA, MIAA & VIAA
RLI Umbrella Rates for Vermont
Obtain a "Quick Quote" to begin the application process. New Business Applications may also be mailed with FULL premium payable to AA Co to: Agency Assistance Corp 17 Carriage Lane, Hallowell, ME 04347
RENEWALS & CLAIMSHow to make a renewal payment Pay by Phone: Call (866) 302-7925 with credit card/ACH Payment Mail to:
RLI Insurance Box 4726 Carol Stream, IL 60197
Overnight Payment: JP Morgan Chase ATTN: RLI Ins Co 131 S Dearborn, 6th floor Chicago, IL 60603
Need to File a Claim? Our claim specialists will help to resolve your claim fast and efficiently. Click here to begin your claim
RLI requires the insured's signature. The cancellation date will take effect on: - A future date requested.
- The date the insured signs and dates a request (within 30 days). If the requested date is further back than 30 days, RLI will use 30 days back.
- The date RLI or administrator receives the signed request from the insured,(if the request is not dated)
- Returned premium, if applicable, will be subject to a short rate factor of 10%.
Email LPR to Lynda Holt
"PUP ACCESS" gives agents the ability to submit/quote applications. Agents also gain direct access to the policy status, billing information and policy documents. To obtain access, please contact
Lynda Holt 207-623-1875 or
RLI Administrator for ME & VT
Lynda Holt, ACSR
17 Carriage Lane, Hallowell, ME 04347 207-623-1875